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Image by Hans Ott

Mick Gorley
Director, Writer, Editor

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Mick Gorley
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Image by Luca Calderone

Mick Gorley is a genderqueer filmmaker; born in Agawam, Massachusetts and currently living in New York City.


Specializing in works which tend toward darker subject matters, Mick favors shorter narratives with lower emphasis on special effects and greater focus on performance. They have held many positions on film sets; ranging from script writing and acting to camera work and directing. They have a completed feature-length screenplay in the fantasy genre and two completed short-form screenplays in the crime drama genre.

Currently, Mick is developing a third script (untitled “Ignis”) to round out their trilogy; for which “Captis” is the second installment and “Periculum” is the first. “Periculum” is reaching the end of its festival run; having accrued thirteen laurels in both national and international festivals and competitions (five awards, four semi-finalist laurels, and four selection laurels)

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